Question 1
1. Class:
· A set, collection, group or configuration containing members regarded as having certain attributes or traits in common, it can be defined as a kind of category. (A social stratum whose members share certain economic, social or cultural characteristics: social rank.)
· Social ranks (Upper, Middle and Working class)
· Power = money
2. Gender:
· Gender refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviours, activities and attributes that a given society considers appropriate for men and women.
· No division between gender and sex
· Men were the seen as the “superior” sex
· It is a movement for social, cultural, political and economic equality of men and women. It is a campaign against gender inequalities and it strives for equal rights for women. Feminism can be also described as the right to enough information available to every single woman so that she can make a choice to live a life which is not discriminatory and which works within the principles of social, cultural, political and economic equality and independence.
4. Ideology:
· A set of ideas that constitutes one’s goals, expectations and actions.
· An ideology can be thought of as a way of looking at things, a comprehensive vision, as a common sense and several philosophical tendencies or a set of ideas proposed by the dominant class of a society to all members of this society.
Question 2
· Brontë writes this preface in order to respond to the feedback she’s received since the release of the first edition of Jane Eyre.
· She begins the preface with comfort, but in the later parts she clearly has a message or defensive response she wants the readers to take note of.
· She gives acknowledgement and miscellaneous remark to those that she feels deserve it and in my opinion rightfully so.
· She defends the novel against those that have slandered it.
· Brontë answers a few questions that slipped through the reader’s mind when reading the novel.
· Her dedication of the second edition of the novel gives us an insight that this man must have inspired her in some way.
Brontë’s motivation to write this preface could have more than one reason. She clearly states that a preface for the first edition (publication) of Jane Eyre was unnecessary, most probably due to the fact that there weren’t any responses, reviews or any form of feedback from the public and critics to analyse. She writes as Currer Bell to hide her identity and to hide the fact that she is really a woman.
Question 3
1. Jane Eyre is written by a female and it can be seen in the way the book is writtem from a woman’s perspective. The author is a feminist and she refuses to do what the usual woman had to do in those days. Women were seen as inferior to men and it was as if their presence didn’t matter to men.
The Victorian era is evidently demonstrated in the reviews. Elizabeth Rigby’s review takes quite a hefty stab at Brontë. She illustrates the disgust which not only she, but some readers in general felt after reading the novel. She states that “we have no remembrance of another combining such genuine power with such horrid taste.” Rigby says that “sheer rudeness and vulgarity have come in for a most mistaken worship.” This contemplates that the novel wasn’t popular because of the simple fact that it was good. These statements are a confirmation that Brontë’s novel was not accepted by all in the Victorian culture. In The Christian Remembrancer, it is clear that Brontë over stepped the boundaries of what was acceptable to publish in the Victorian era, “Let her take warning” (Norton 451). Brontë is openly insulted in the review because the novel is an autobiography, “As the child, so also the woman - an uninteresting, sententious, pedantic thing.” “Jane Eyre is proud and therefore she is ungrateful too” (Norton 452).
In conclusion, these reviews make a clear cut assumption that despisement of the novel was the order of the day by Middle-class Victorians. For the middle class people the book was seen as unacceptable and Jane didn’t follow the moral rules. For them it was seen as vulgar, “She has inherited in the fullest measure the worst sin of our fallen nature- the sin of pride” (Rigby, 452).